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News Overview


19.01.2021 - RF SPIN

New DRH18-E, re-designed double ridged horn antenna (1 – 18 GHz). 

The RF SPIN popular antenna DRH18-E is especially new re-designed for better parameters and developed for EMC/EMI field testing.

With a capability of radiated emissions testing according to:
- ANSI 63.5,
- CISPR 11, 12, 13, 16-1-4, 16-1-6, 25, 32,
- EN 61000-6-3, 61000-6-4,
- FCC Part 15, 18, 25, 90,
- IEC 60601-1-2.

The DRH18-E is light weight (only 0.87kg), as usual is calibrated in our anechoic chamber and can be manufactured with SMA or N connector. We are able to manufacture any holder or mount.

For more information please download DRH18-E datasheet.pdf

11.01.2021 - EMC PARTNER

Impulse Insultation Testers from 500 V to 30kV: INS-1250 

INS-1250 family of impulse insultation testers for material insultation, components and electrical equipment safety for applications in development and production environments.
- 1,2/50 µs voltage up to 30 kV
- Protection relay 0.5J/500 Ohm impulse network.

For more information please click here...

06.01.2021 - RF SPIN

RF SPIN - new brand logo.

We would like to introduce you the new logo of the Czech antenna manufacturer RF SPIN.    From this year 2021 it will be the new face of antennas and accessories.

Please note that you can still meet the previous logo on antenna series manufactured in 2020. 


25.12.2020 - Testek Solution

Testek Soulutions -Trusted in Testing

The regulatory burdens for OEMs, MROs and operators make aerospace component testing a necessity. To run their businesses successfully, OEMs, MROs and operators need reliable, high-quality, supported test equipment that provides on-schedule certification testing results throughout every stage of the aircraft’s lifecycle – from development, to production, and through servicing and repair.

Testek’s equipment tests aircraft hydraulics, power generation, avionics, fuel, lube, actuator, and pneumatic components. Testek also helps customers design large-scale testing facilities with future testing demands and flexibility in mind.

Testek Solutions models can test the following power generation components: 

- APU Generators
- Auxiliary Starter Generators (ASG)
- Constant Speed Drives (CSD)
- Integrated Drive Generators (IDG)
- Starter Generators
- Variable Frequency Generators (VFG)
- Variable Frequency Starter Generators (VFSG)
- and more...

For more information please click here...

07.06.2020 - WORKSWELL

Workswell - Infrared Cameras and Systems

We are honored to introduce our new business partner, the Czech manufacturer of Thermal imaging cameras and systems. Workswell. Impeccable execution of solutions to modern challenges. Workswell delivers complex systems and individual elements for non-contact temperature measurement and data evaluation across:

  • Process control and automation
  • Cameras for UAV systems
  • Early fire detection
  • Agricultural cameras and solutions
  • R&D solutions and software 

The new Medicas camera is an immaculate tool in detecting people with elevated temperature, which is extremely important in the modern world and the world of the future

For more information please click here...

17.05.2020 -AVIASVIT

XII International Aviation and Space Salon AVIASVIT-XXI 2020 

Our company will participate in XII International Aviation and Space Salon AVIASVIT-XXI 2020 in Kyiv. The exhibition event in Ukraine for aviation industry and space technology, will be held at the IEC International Exhibition Centre.

Event takes place in October 13‑16, 2020. Vestur Austur s.r.o. will present measuring and testing equipment for the aerospace, electromagnetic solutions and many more. We warmly invite specialists to professional discussions.

For more information please click here... 

17.04.2020 - RFspin

New Quad Ridged Horn Antenna – Model QRH6 

We are happy to announce that RFspin has a new product on market. The QRH67 is a dual-polarized broadband antenna that operates from 6 to 67 GHz.

This top antenna, the only one in the world, is ideal for a wide range of millimeter-wave-applications, such as aerospace, defense systems, scientific research, RFI/EMI measurements or 5G testing. Every antenna is measured and together with unique serial number and QR code you can be sure of the top quality.

For more information please click here...